Myriad factors lead to staining on teeth and smoking is one among them. Discolouration of the pearly whites is a trouble that has left many worried and smokers have to face the worse of this condition. Nicotine is a responsible agent that causes gradual discolouration and yellowing of teeth. Prolonged smoking could result in many other oral health-related concerns.   

Staining caused by smoking is an embarrassing thing and the condition can worsen to even cause tooth decay.   

Why does tobacco cause tooth staining?  

Our teeth have pores on the surface. Nicotine from cigarettes gets absorbed in these pores and this causes yellowing. These tiny openings on the enamel gradually fill up with nicotine and thus risk our oral health.     
Nicotine by itself is a colourless vapour however hen in contact with oxygen, it turns yellow and thus causes visible staining of the tooth surface. Smokers have some teeth that become darker than others and this is caused by their particular inhaling patterns.   
What makes tobacco stains difficult to remove?    
Years of smoking accumulates multiple layers of nicotine on the enamel and this makes regaining original tooth shade difficult. The stains penetrate deep into the layers of enamel and can also get into the dentine layers. 
The stains are however not permanent and fortunately can be successfully removed with Philips zoom whitening.  
Regardless of how deep the stains have penetrated into the enamel, treatments like these can alleviate all the discolouration and help you regain the lost shine and lustre of your beloved pearls.   

How to successfully get rid of tooth discolouration caused by tobacco stains?  
As long as you smoke, layers of nicotine will continue settling onto the pores of enamel. If the habit has caught you badly, then at least you can occasionally avail whitening treatments so that permanent discolouration is avoided and you can maintain sparkling white teeth all year long. 
Professional teeth whitening -      

The experts at 24 hour emergency dentist offer in-chair teeth whitening treatments that are most effective in eliminating stains from teeth. As compared to at-home options, these professional treatments give long-lasting results and are best suited for nicotine-stained teeth.  
Relying on professional service of dentists delivers best results and you also get to avail expert consultation and guidance that will help prevent the issues in future. These procedures are completely pain-free and take anywhere between 15 minutes to an hour. 

With the application of whitening varnish, you will achieve successful removal of stains by a completely safe process.  

Now with the expert treatments offered at Brighton East Dental Clinic, even if you smoke, your teeth will never show it!         


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