The Best Diet for Healthy Teeth

Diet and nutrition have the greatest impact on a person’s oral health and optimizing both will lead to better oral condition and a brighter smile. An unhealthy diet is a major risk factor for dental troubles and is a cause for serious oral health complications. Proper diet serves your body the best nutrition to keep it running fine and prevent any diseases. Thus feeding yourself with nutrient-rich foods promotes health and overall wellness. Depriving your body of the requisite nutrients reduces its capability to resist infections and in case of oral health, lowers prevention of cavities.

Healthy eating habits are proportional to oral health status and determine your ability to fight infections. A poor diet increases the odds of oral disease and causes pain and suffering as a consequence. A toothache is a dreadful experience and renders the whole body to experience pain. A balanced diet along with good oral hygiene helps maintain strong teeth which can resist any decay.

A very honest quote states that “You are what you eat”. To attain a state of complete oral well-being, it is imperative to develop healthy eating habits and oral maintenance routine. The foods and nutrients that will help you promote oral health have been stated as follows:

§  Fresh fruits, raw vegetable, and nuts help prevent bad breath and clean your teeth of any plaque.

§  Foods rich in calcium and Vitamin D helps strengthen bones and teeth. Thus juice and dairy products help fight tooth infections and preserve dental health.

§  To maintain a balanced pH level in the mouth and neutralize the acidity levels, cheese is recommended by the cosmetic dentist to prevent enamel decay.

§  Bacterial infections cause gum diseases and fruits rich in Vitamin C help counter the dental anomalies.

§  Low sugar consumption is a prime requisite for maintaining healthy teeth. Sugars promote germ growth and thus should be avoided as much as possible for a flourishing dental health.

§  As proteins are necessary for tissue health and cell growth, an insufficient supply of proteins can lead to degeneration of gums and make teeth prone to defects.

§  Whole grains, fiber-rich foods, and nuts are great for your teeth as they pack delightful nutrients while containing little to no sugar content.

§  Yoghurt is high in calcium and protein. As calcium promotes tooth strength and health, yogurt should be adopted as a daily habit for gaining the best protection from cavities and bacteria.

Dental health is a significant element of personal hygiene as it is the initial step in the process of digestion. As dental erosion rates are increasing day by day, it is high time to invest in good health and adopt hygienic habits to serve your body the best nutrients and care. Brighton East Dental Clinic is proud to serve people with the best in oral care and help guide them in attaining peak oral hygiene. The clinic’s children’s dentist with his vast knowledge and expertise is dedicated to prevent the cavities in your child’s precious pearls and pave a way for enlightening smiles all over. 


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