Wisdom about Your Wisdom Teeth

Anthropologists believe that the wisdom teeth are the third set of molars, were a result of evolutionary progress where in our ancestor's early diet included rough, coarse food that we usually don't prefer in our everyday meal – like leaves, roots, nuts and meats – which required a lot of chewing power and this is what led to the growth of the wisdom teeth. It is now, considered as a vestigial organ as its use have been replaced with the use of forks, knives and various other technologies.by the time we are ten years old, wisdom teeth start to develop, but they usually don’t erupt until you are between the ages of 17 and 25. This period being the time when people achieve their maximum intellectual capacity these teeth that develop during this time have been nicknamed "wisdom teeth". Some people never develop a wisdom tooth. But, in the case of people who develop them, the number may vary from one to four. These teeth are supposed to be a bliss, when properly taken care of and when it is aligned properly and not misaligned staying I the corner of your mouth as a hindrance. When wisdom teeth are misaligned, they tend to place themselves horizontally, lean in our out from the next set of teeth, or be angled inward or outward towards the tongue. When taken to the next level of worse, the misalignment of wisdom teeth can hinder the growth of the adjacent teeth by crowding or damaging. The jawbone and the nerves could get damaged by these teeth.
When your wisdom teeth erupt through the gum, it turns out to be more painful than you think. Don't worry, for it does not take away your wisdom. A partial eruption of wisdom teeth paves way for an opening that serves as a pathway for bacteria to enter in and around the tooth and cause an infection, which is very painful, sometimes causes swelling, and makes the jaws stiff when the condition gets worse. The unwanted opening causes bulging, irritation and makes oral diseases caused by bacteria is inevitable and to add to this, the awkward positioning of these wisdom teeth makes the regular healthy activities like brushing and flossing unusually uncomfortable.
It sometimes can prove to be hard to pinpoint the wisdom teeth. In that case, ask your dentist about the presence of wisdom teeth in your mouth. An X-Ray can be regularly taken and the results can be used to check the alignment and development of the wisdom teeth. Sometimes, it's better to get an oral check-up done on a regular basis so that it won't affect your teeth. Often dentists and other doctors recommend that your wisdom teeth be extracted as it has high chances of being misaligned and creating problems. The more you age, this becomes more complicated, it becomes more hard and painful to get the wisdom tooth removed. So, when the wisdom teeth are still not fully developed and not submerged in the gums, it is advised to get it removed. Removal is easier in young people when the wisdom teeth bone is less thick and the teeth are easier to remove. In older people, recovery and healing time tend to be longer.
If you are very confused about what to do with those teeth that develop in the corner of your mouth, our team of dentists at www.bedc.com.au, who are well versed in this subject will help you make a choice.


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