What to do when your kid has loose baby teeth?

The process of replacement of baby teeth with permanent teeth is gradual and can occur over a period of few years. The baby teeth begin to loosen up and come out as they are pushed by permanent teeth that are to last forever. This process can be frightening for some kids while some just get excited about the fairytales associated with the same. If your child’s baby teeth have started to loosen up and wiggle, it is a sign of growth. The average age for baby tenth to loosen and eruption of permanent teeth is around six years. The molars are the first adult teeth to erupt and they actually appear without replacing any baby teeth which are not present in that part. Gradually the teeth towards the font of the mouth begin to loosen up, come out and are replaced by permanent teeth. What parents need to do when the child’s baby teeth loosen? As the entire process of loosening of baby teeth and appearing of permanent teeth is natural, there is no need to panic o...